
Here is a contact list of some of the major universities and notable colleges in Germany:

Public Universities

  1. Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU Munich)
  2. Technical University of Munich (TUM)
  3. Heidelberg University (Ruprecht-Karls-Universitรคt Heidelberg)
  4. Humboldt University of Berlin (Humboldt-Universitรคt zu Berlin)
  5. University of Freiburg (Albert-Ludwigs-Universitรคt Freiburg)
  6. University of Gรถttingen (Georg-August-Universitรคt Gรถttingen)
  7. University of Hamburg (Universitรคt Hamburg)
  8. University of Cologne (Universitรคt zu Kรถln)
  9. University of Bonn (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitรคt Bonn)
  10. University of Stuttgart (Universitรคt Stuttgart)

Technical Universities

  1. Technical University of Berlin (Technische Universitรคt Berlin)
  2. RWTH Aachen University (Rheinisch-Westfรคlische Technische Hochschule Aachen)
  3. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
  4. Technical University of Darmstadt (Technische Universitรคt Darmstadt)
  5. Technical University of Dresden (Technische Universitรคt Dresden)

Private Universities

  1. WHU โ€“ Otto Beisheim School of Management
  2. EBS University of Business and Law
  3. Berlin School of Business and Innovation (BSBI)
  4. Hertie School of Governance

Art and Music Schools

  1. University of Music and Performing Arts Munich (Hochschule fรผr Musik und Theater Mรผnchen)
  2. Berlin University of the Arts (Universitรคt der Kรผnste Berlin)
  3. Academy of Fine Arts Munich (Akademie der Bildenden Kรผnste Mรผnchen)
  4. Folkwang University of the Arts

This list includes a variety of the most prominent universities across different regions of Germany. For more comprehensive lists, you can visit the official websites of the universities or the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).